Monday, September 19, 2011

Rhythmic Line.

These are my final copies of my rhythmic lines:

For this assignment we had to creative rhythm in and with lines.


For the first picture I decide to create rhythm by playing with the width and length of the lines. I started off with a thick short line near the top of the page and then the line that followed was a thin long line that was twice the length of the first one. The next line was the same as the first one but instead of starting near the top of the paper it started at the bottom of the second line in the series and went to the mid way point on that line. After that I just repeated the pattern and end with the same line I started with.

  The next picture we had to have lines that showed direction. I showed direction by basically taking my first picture cloning it and rotating the clones. To add to it I added a little bit of something in the middle to make it look fuller and show more direction by adding to circles with gaps in them and also adding a line with two crinkles in it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Andy Warhol

So Andy Warhol.... yea the kool guy with the funky hair and sense of style lead a pretty awesome life hanging out with all those celebrities and such. Man that idea that he had to paint the every day items like brillio and Campbells soup can was intense. I wish I could meet him and be part of his art, that would be one of the koolest things to do ever!!!!! Man he would have to be one of my favourite artists but it isn't really hard to decide that seeing that I only really know of five artists.

Damn that's some nice art work there.

Ps. I know that i spelt "cool" with a k and that is how I roll.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011